Continuing the efforts of getting up to date my blog , I found a bit of time to write something today.
OK… so… on March I completed another commission. It is a landscape.
My commissioner told me that she gives me the freedom of creations and all she wants is a landscape… “a bit surrealistic landscape”.
From the previous emails I had got the feeling that she wants a real landscape having a surrealistic aura or such …
My first choice when is about surrealistic real landscape ,lol, is Meteora’s monasteries of Greece.
So naturally, I’ve chose some pictures of Meteora as reference then used my imagination in order to complete this commission.
Well, I’ve found in the end that my X-sense of mind reading don’t work so well as I was convinced …hahaha
My customer wanted it a bit more surrealistic but, luckily, as a true art lover she assumed the fact that she gave me the freedom of creation!
Can you believe this? She even didn’t want to see a preliminary sketch or “in progress” photos !!!
This kind of art lovers are so rare around the world!
I was really flattered ! Really flattered! … I felt like an outrageous pricey well known contemporary art star ! Thank you very much Andrea and God bless you!
Here’s the picture. It’s an oil on canvas, 40×30 cm (not sure of size ..maybe bigger , sure not smaller)
If you’re an owner of a painting made by me, you know that my paintings in person looks much better.