International Surrealism Now

Surrealism is wonderful. Surrealism is living and spreading around the world. Over 100 artists from around 50 countries represent all inhabited continents of the Earth in the largest World exhibition of contemporary Surrealism art in CONDEIXA-A-NOVA, Portugal starting September 17th of 2017 at the Multimedia P.O.R.O.S. Museum

I’m proud to be part of this important exhibition.

International Surrealism Now is a project by Santiago Ribeiro, Portuguese surrealist painter, who has been dedicated to promoting the Surrealism of the 21st century, through exhibitions held in various parts of the world: Berlin, Moscow, Dallas, Los Angeles, Mississippi, Warsaw, Nantes, Paris, Florence, Madrid, Granada, Barcelona, Lisbon, Belgrade, Monte Negro, Romania, Japan and Brazil. Surrealism now is the union of visionary, surrealist, abstract, fantastic realism art movements.

The exhibition is composed of works of drawing, painting, photography, sculpture and digital art.

More information can be found here:

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