
Are you looking for a custom painting?
Daniel Chiriac will paint for you a realistic or surrealistic composition such as custom portraits, pet-portraits, still life paintings, landscapes, cityscapes and so on.

The composition will be based on your requests and also, on stories that you may provide him -especially when is about surrealism.
For portraits or specific landscapes there is required to provide photographs.

Prices depends primarily on difficulty then on the size of the painting.
Price could be anywhere between   €2 and €4 per square inch.

These are the steps of commission’s process:

  1. Agreeing the size, price and the time frame to get commission done
  2. 1st primary sketch on paper is provided. Now is the best time to ask for major changes, additions, etc to fit your demands onto the artist’s vision.
  3. When commissioner gives OK to the above sketch, he/she pays an advance payment of 25 – 30 % of the final price agreed on at the first point.
  4. Then, the sketch is transfered onto the canvas. The main work on commission is started.
  5. Intermediary pictures are provided to commissioner. Some minor changes are still acceptable throughout early stages.
  6. When the painting is ready and it gets the OK from the commissioner, the rest of the payment must be done.
  7. The painting is wrapped, packed and shipped to the commissioner address

Please, go to the Contact page and write down your commission request. Satisfaction guaranteed.
You can see some examples of completed commissions on the right side.
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Use arrows to browse the pictures.
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